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Monday, February 08, 2010

Should small Countries go in for Dollarization ?

On the 7th of February ,  I had participated in the F&IC  Das Capital Corporate Debate.
We had participated in two rounds , wherein we were given two Topics to discuss about-
1. Should small countries go in for dollarization - As Equador And El- Salvadore had opted ?
2.I was designated as an FII in the final round and my  views were sought on the discussion seed of - " The relevance of Stock Markets in India ".

Following is the concise summary of the views presented forth by me -

 Should small Countries go in for Dollarization ?
Dollarization occurs when the inhabitants of a country use foreign currency in parallel to or instead of the domestic currency. The major advantage of dollarization is promoting fiscal discipline and thus greater financial stability and lower inflation.

I was of the viewpoint that Dollarization , if adopted , should have a Sunset Clause attached to it - i.e. The country must maintain a moratorium of terminating its usage of the Foreign Currency after a Temporary phase.
To support my argument , I enlisted the following points -
4 points

1.From a Long term perspective , Adopting The Dollar is not feasible because a country loses out on the availability of Monetary tools to stem a crisis or stabilize an overheating economy.

Why doesn’t the whole world as a whole adopt the Dollar , or  the Euro ?
The Reason being that the Reserve Currency – Say , the Dollar ( The world's reserve Currency ) - will be regulated by the Federal Reserve in the US , keeping in view the US interests and with the Primary aim of stimulating the US economy , Keeping Unemployment Down and responding to the immediate requirements of U.S. Citizens.

2. Different Countries , at a particular period of time May be Passing Through different stages of Business Cycles and Development Phases and may therefore require an appropriate and a unique Monetary approach  - A blanket Approach - Eg. Setting up the same Repo & Reverse Repo  rates , Reserve Requirements for an entire fleet of Nations will not prove to be a wise decision  - It would be akin to providing the same medication for all sorts of ENT Problems.

3. I would stress upon Temporary Dollarization , Countries need to have a Sunset Clause in their drive towards formally adopting a strong Foreign currency as the modus operandi of exchange.

4. Countries  suffering from hyperinflation , like Zimbabwe , may resort to Temporary Dollarization to partially stem the spiraling prices and use the interim period to get together their act , take up sole responsibility and Accountability for the precarious situation they  find themselves in - A political crisis , uncertainties , civil strife etc. – There should be a timeframe set to put things back in motion  – the time bought by resorting to Dollarization should be utilized to bring about stabilization –For example ,  through external assistance by ones immediate neighbours who share to some extent similar cultures ( Just as in case of Zimbabwe wherein Southern African countries , particularly South Africa are doing their best to Mediate and peacefully resolve the political uncertainties. )

Following Dollarization , a country may completely lose out on its Ability to provide a Monetary stimulus , it may completely lose out on the Opportunity of Providing the right signals to the Economy , Providing an Impetus or Curtailing the Growth through the Means of its Monetary Policy..

Some of the participants rejected Dollarization on the grounds that The Bigger nation may use this opportunity to its advantage - strategically - but I dont buy this argument for the simple reason that Days of colonialism and its related feeling of superiority just doesn't exist any longer - Countries like the U.S. simply wont Fuss about a country adopting the U.S. dollar when they have got a Back-load of problems , especially the $ 2 TRILLION RESERVES HELD BY CHINA - JUST SEE the PALE Comparison - An investment by  An MNC   Babcock & Wilcox Co.
 into A POWER PLANT in China will significantly be higher in value than the annual trade of the U.S. with these small countries . 

The issue of SELF PRESTIGE does exist for the small countries - But they should temporarily swallow it if that is the need of the hour.

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